Choose wisely: How to vote with your conscience.

Person holding a flag and a stamp that already voted.

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In the elections in Mexico, people in general let themselves be carried away by the candidate. They do not pay much attention to the cabinet, the party, or the ideals of the party. They vote for the candidate they like and the one who promises them gifts.  They don’t care about anything else.

If they don’t like the current government, they may give the next party a chance, regardless of their ideology. Many don’t even know if they are conservative or liberal,   right or left, or what those terms mean.

They don’t realize what their values ​​are, the most important thing in someone’s life. As a result, people always complain about how bad the country is, and how those in power always steal.

Not choosing wisely can lead to terrible consequences on local, federal, or worldwide levels. For example, legalizing things that go against our values, and initiating unnecessary wars just for profit, or for the benefit of a few. This can lead to the dum of an entire country, such as in the case of Venezuela.

For those who believe in God, we know that one day we will be judged for our decisions. That includes who we put in the government.

So how do we wisely choose who to vote for?

1. Define your values.

Make a self-introspection, define, and write down your core values. The point is to get to know what is important for you and what values are non-negotiable.

This is useful not just for elections, but for other things like important relationships or deciding who to do business with.

2. Ask the tough questions.

If you are not sure what are your core values, maybe answering the tough questions may help. For example, do you stand by the values your country was founded on, or by the constitution?

Do you support the First and Second Amendments?

Do you support traditional marriage?

Are you pro-life?

Do you support school choice?

Are you a religious person?

Do you support a small government?

Do you want less taxes? Do you value freedom?

Do you prefer a socialist or communist government like the ones in Cuba or Venezuela?

Do you want strong borders and stop child trafficking?

The most important question is: Why? What is beneath what you support?  Go deep inside. Why do these things matter so much to you? What are you willing to do to defend these values that are so important?

3. Learn basic political definitions

What is right or left?

What does it mean to be a conservative or to be a liberal? What does it mean to be a leftist?

Many believe that being a liberal is the same as being a leftist. Actually conservatives and liberals have some common ground that opposes leftist views.

What does it mean to be a traditionalist? What are traditional values?

What are conservatives conserving?

What is the difference between socialism, communism, and capitalism? How do these economic systems fit into the previous definitions?

The main thing is to understand how your values fit into those definitions.

If you are still lost, you can take the Nolan diagram quiz to find out where you are in the political spectrum.

4. Study the political parties available.

Is important to learn about the political parties that are running for an election. The point is to find out about their history, and their values in order to know if they are aligned with yours. Do your own research and don’t rely on what the mainstream media says.

For example, in the USA the the mainstream media and the Democrats claim the Republicans are racist. If you research a little bit you will find out it was the Republican party with Lincon that fought to free the slaves. 

The Kukux Klan has always been associated with the Democrat party since its inception.  Nowadays, the Democratic party believes black people are victims and incapable of obtaining a basic ID. Also, there is a war against white people. All this is racist.

The candidate should, in theory, possess the values of the party or at least be a good representative of them.

But there are countries where this is not always true. In Mexico, the “conservative” party PAN at times aligns with the left PRD party.  Because these alliances make no sense, being informed is the only defense. 

Research the candidate’s values and proposals, as well as their life. His proposals should ideally align with his values and your values. This would be the perfect candidate. We know we live in an imperfect world and that this doesn’t exist.

The perfect candidate would not just align with our values but also with the outcome of his policies.  We need to think ahead about the consequences of the policies in the short and long future the best we can. 

5. Don’t vote for the same proposals that made you flee.

Let’s say you are fleeing from California to Florida, Texas, or Tennessee. Or you are escaping communist Cuba or socialist Venezuela for a freer country like Mexico or the USA. There is a reason why the policies of the places you fled have failed. 

There is also a reason why the places people choose to emigrate to have a better quality of life.

Ironically, people leaving these places don’t always connect the dots and keep voting the same way they did in the places they fled.

The only thing that this does is endanger the new place. 

6. Don’t believe everything the MSM says, do your research.

The media lies, don’t have your best interest in mind and don’t care about spreading the truth. They care about what the ones that rule the world want. They want a specific politician in power and try to make you like him or impose him.

Remind yourself how much censorship occurred on social media platforms during the 2020 US presidential election. It is evident that overwhelmingly conservatives were the ones censored.

This included President Trump. A president! Now he has never been a conservative, he appeals to conservatives but he has some liberal views. (liberal is not the same as leftist as Dennis Prager says).

Do your research evaluating information from serious alternative news media. Analyze both the MSM and the alternative media to achieve a more accurate opinion. The closer to the truth the better.

7. Don’t believe what the polls say.

Polls are manipulated. In 2016 the media, the pools, and many people laughed at the mere possibility that Trump would win.

In the 2020 presidential elections, I answered 13 polls related to the election. To be able to answer the polls you need to qualify for it in the first few questions.

If you are the kind of population they want to analyze, then you would qualify for the poll. This would include age, sex, race, location, etc. When you finish the pool they may pay you. (Very very little by the way, like 50 cents or something like that.)

As I said I answered a total of 13 pools giving my opinion. In 9 of those 13 pools at the very end, they told me I didn’t qualify for the pool. This is I assume because they didn’t like my conservative views. What other reason would be? I had to complain in those 9 pools to get paid. In the end, I did get my money since I completed each one of those pools as I said.

8. Pick the right candidate.

Remember you are electing an employee for the community. This is a job interview, we the people have the power, not the other way around. They are our employees, they are to serve the people. Pick them the same way you would use to choose someone to work for your business.

Put your feelings away, and focus on doing good vs feeling good. A lot of people have bad feelings towards Donald Trump. However, the economy in the USA was way better with him than under the current administration. He promised to defend life, family, and faith and he delivered. Foreign relations were better too.

So with a neutral mind analyze every single aspect of every candidate without letting your feelings interfere. I know politics are seen as a popularity contest but they shouldn’t be. For a job you don’t choose the prettier candidate, you choose the best candidate possible. The one that is more capable of performing the job.

Once you have done all this analysis, discernment, and research you are ready. Pick the candidate more aligned with your values, and what you want for your country.

9. But life is not perfect. How to choose in different scenarios

But what if you have the perfect candidate but no chance of winning? If all the other candidates are bad it doesn’t matter if your candidate has a chance or not. Vote your values as you will have to respond to how you voted before God.

But what happens if both candidates are bad and neither represent your values? Then I wouldn’t vote.

And what if one candidate is bad and the other one is mediocre? Then select the less bad option. They may not be perfect but less bad means more good. If voting for that candidate would prevent a bigger evil, then choosing him or her is justified.

But what if I have 3 candidates? The perfect candidate with no chance of winning, the mediocre candidate with a good chance, and the very bad candidate with a good chance?

I would choose the mediocre candidate. After evaluating all factors, I conclude that this candidate would prevent a greater evil.

10. Don’t underestimate the cabinet and other parts of government involved.

I wish everything would be as easy as just choosing the candidate and that would be it. But life is more complicated than that. We must also take into account that government has different branches.

It’s important to know who the candidate is going to work with, his or her cabinet. Who will they choose for important positions?

Also, you may vote for lawmakers such as the senate candidates. What about the House of Representatives or the Supreme Court? In some countries, these positions are tied to the party that wins instead of you electing them. If this is the case try to play the chess game of how this position would end being if your candidate wins.

At times these important positions may block the candidate from doing what he or she promised if they belong to the opposition. This is why it is important to analyze all these options before casting our vote.

11. Look for voting tools.

You may be able to find online tools that can help you with your decisions. These tools may include the information of the candidates, and where they stand in their values.

For example, there is a website called Catholic Vote. They focus on faith, family and freedom. In Mexico, we have a version of this organization too “Voto Catolico“. They analyze where the candidates stand on different topics. 

According to the website, they evaluate: 

The Right to life, human dignity, rejection of euthanasia, family, adoption, education, freedom of religion, conscience objection, conversion therapies, and sexual identity among others. This way, Catholics in Mexico can vote according to their values.

Hopefully, most countries also have tools like this.

12. Report irregularities in the electoral process.

Corruption in the voting systems of different countries is a fact. There are also what we call “irregularities”. The only way to stop the corruption is if we do something. Record any anomaly and suspicion and report it to the competent authorities.

I have noticed a tendency in different countries all over North and South America, whether it is in local or national elections. Many good candidates that are very popular, and in a good position to win, and end up losing to corrupt opposition. 

They lose against the politicians who have lost the people’s trust. Not to mention, politicians that were in jail, or politicians that didn’t even care about debate or even having a campaign. Why does this happen?

Election “irregularities” That is why it is so important that we, the normal people step, in and try to do something in order to protect our elections.

13. Discern with God.

One of the most important parts of the entire voting process is to discern your main pick and decision with God.

Ask Him to guide you through the entire process. To see the truth behind the candidates, and to find the right information.

Once you select the candidate keep praying for the election, for the candidate, and for your decision. Not to mention the faith of your Country.


I hope this article is helpful for you. All this information can be applied to local or minor elections. Having a structured way of thinking and discerning the electoral process is important. Elected representatives at every level affect the faith of their communities, countries, and the people they serve.

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